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Modeling Meerkats
July 17-19, 2019

Modeling Meerkats:
Comparing galaxy formation simulations to MeerKAT surveys
17 - 19 July 2019, Kruger Park, South Africa

The MeerKAT radio telescope is now online, and Large Survey Projects LADUMA, MIGHTEE, MHONGOOSE, MALS, and FORNAX are planned that will revolutionise the radio view of the extragalactic universe. The time is right to jump-start close collaborations between forthcoming MeerKAT surveys and state-of-the-art cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and intergalactic medium evolution.
This small hands-on workshop aims to bring together observers and theorists from the South African and international communities, in order to map out detailed plans to conduct model/data comparisons that will test the latest models for galaxy evolution in the relatively unexplored radio domain, provide a cosmological and astrophysical context for interpreting preliminary and upcoming MeerKAT data, and help design complementary multi-wavelength programs to elucidate the physics that drives the radio properties of galaxies and cosmic structures.
Modeling MeerKATs will be held at the popular Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, a 4-star hotel and conference centre at the entrance to Kruger Park, one of the premier game reserves in the world featuring South Africa's famous Big Five.
Previous workshops in this series:
4th CET Workshop: The Circle of Life
3rd CET Workshop: Massive Beasts of the Cosmos
2nd CET Workshop: Reionization: A Multi-Wavelength Approach
1st CET Workshop: The Emergence of Disk Galaxies
Scientific Organizing Committee
Romeel Davé (Chair, Edinburgh/UWC/SAAO)
Daniel Cunnama (co-Chair, South African Astronomical Observatory/UWC)
Sarah Blyth (UCT)
Michelle Cluver (Swinburne)
Russ Taylor (IDIA/UCT/UWC)
Local Organizing Committee
​Daniel Cunnama (South African Astronomical Observatory/UWC)
Romeel Davé (University of Edinburgh/UWC/SAAO)

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